The teacher begins with a sentence, for example 'If I go out tonight, I’ll go to the cinema.' The next person in the circle must use the end of the previous sentence to begin their own sentence, for example 'If I go to the cinema, I’ll watch Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.' The next person could say, 'If I watch Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, I’ll eat lots of chocolate.' Then, 'If I eat lots of chocolate, I’ll put on weight.' etc.
The correct answer is D. Beyond the horizon.
This is because phrases don't have verbs in them and this is the only option that doesn't have a verb in it.
El cerebro es la parte fundamental. Es así porque no es tu corteza cerebral quien controla el movimiento, sino tu cerebelo. El bulbo raquídeo es el encargado de controlar el funcionamiento de nuestros órganos: el latido cardíaco, el ritmo respiratorio, la presión arterial, el estado de la digestión, etc
"Daddy, I have had to kill you. You died before I had time—— Marble-heavy, a bag full of God, Ghastly statue with one gray toe Big as a Frisco seal." This means she has already murdered her father—figuratively. A "bag full of God" could mean he's in a body bag or that his body is just a bag. We get an image of how big he is in her eyes via the heavy, cold corpse so large that it spans the US, his toes in the San Francisco Bay.
It is a dim, strange, and on occasion agonizing moral story that utilizes analogy and different gadgets to convey the possibility of a female casualty at long last liberating herself from her dad.