Radon is a naturally occurring gas, which is produced due to the radioactive decay of the Radium element. It is one of the dense gas that is mostly concentrated in the lower portion of the houses, and are trapped in the cracks and fractures of the walls of houses and buildings.
Radon gas is an invisible, colorless and odorless gas, which is a very harmful gas, and exposure to Radon gas can cause an individual to suffer from cancer.
In recent studies, it has been found that in many parts of North America, a large number of residents are exposed to Radon gas, which led to an increased risk of cancer.
The dermal tissue of a plant is the extremely thin outer layer of the soft parts of a plant. It is also known as the epidermis. Epidermal cells are flattened and very close together. Stomata are found in the dermal tissue. ... Adaptations of the dermal tissue include epidermal hairs and root hairs.
The answer is in form of image see it ..
Microorganisms that live in severe habitats, such as very
hot, acidic, or salty environments are called extremophiles, which are
bacteria, archaea and eukaryotes. They are the most successful organisms
because they can adapt in any environment. They can live in oceans, rivers,
soil, and even inside a human’s body.
Answer: Bacteria producing oxygen for the oxygenation of the earth's atmosphere.
Explanation: ????????? NOT FOR SURE