The symbiotic relationship between moss and a tree is commensalism
Unlike New World monkeys, hominines D. Have opposable thumbs
Opposable thumbs refers to the structure of thumbs that allow the thumb to move around more freely and able to touch all other fingers.
The hominines had these type of thumbs which help them had the ability to clib trees faster in order to survive in their environment
Mainly, the number of genes that control traits.
Polygenic inheritance does not follow Mendel's law of dominance. According to Mendel the dominant trait will mask the recessive trait however, this is not always the case. Polygenic inheritance states that traits are controlled by two or more genes and is also dependent on the environment.
Let's take skin color for example. A fair-skinned person will have a child with a dark-skinned person.
Mendelian inheritance would assume that the offspring would either be fair or dark only.
Polygenic inheritance would assume that the offspring would be either fair, dark, or a tone in between, depending on the environment they are in as well.
Hope you understood it.
Plants are very crucial for maintenance of balance of ecosytem as part of the equilibrium and the primary basis for the ecosystem as the producers.
The ecosystem consists of plants with animals and the environment surrounding it. The balance of all three elements is essential for the co existence of the ecosystem. devoid of any or excess of either factor will lead to destruction.
The imbalance so caused will lead to over production or over consumption of the strata in the ecosystem. Plants holds the producer level of the ecosystem which forms the basis to all, if dis-balanced all the factors relying on it will decline eventually and the world will fall.
There are so many examples for that in different areas, like biology experiment carried out in our lab recently.
Here's one link: