Globalization is a huge danger to local cultures because it can rob them of their identify by imposing a fit-for-all culture known all over the world.
Local cultures prosper because they are local and unique, far away from the global influence. Globalization brings people together but it also makes them all look alike because they are exposed to the same influences, in culture, business or politics. Some local tradition may become too old fashioned for many to be still followed and they may disappear, especially if the young people reject them because they don't seem attractive any longer. To prevent local culture, some rituals have to be maintained and pass over to the next generation, globalization jeopardizes this process and some local cultures may become extinct in the end.
This belief is called Anti-science.
Anti-science is an ideology adopted by a person or institution, which defends incorrect interests as superior to science, discredits research and scientific discoveries and still places science as something vile, contradictory and incompetent that creates more problems than solutions, making people unhappy, weak and sick.
a. She includes them at the same time as presenting complex charts to inject serious note.
In the first sentence it is stated that "Zikala-Sa often uses jokes to start her presentations or to keep her audience engaged while presenting figures." Then the figures may be related with charts, in this way she can present complex charts and associated them with a feeling so that they retain the information in an easier way and don't get bored, so in this way people are attentive and get the information.
the diverse of collegues can be professionaly enriching to ---- exposing you to new skills