Catharsis can be described as the process of releasing or involves the release or emotional discharge that eventually help in achieving relief or liberation from anxiety.
In this case, the act of punching the pillow , which is exhibited by Teresa is the process of releasing her anger, and always help her to achieve relief or liberation from that anxiety or aggression toward her younger brother.
I think it’s the spinning wheel.
The correct answer would be TRUE
The nucleus contains the majority of the mass since the protons and neutrons are heavier than electrons, which occupy most of an atom's volume.
The given statement is False
Each subject has their own importance but we can’t say not worry about talking courses in teaching, counselling, business and marketing. Bio physical sub disciplines helps us to understand about bio mechanics, our motor activity, motor control and exercise psychology but we can’t ignore the importance of others subject like marketing, talking skill, counselling and business because these subject helps us in our career growth for example if we are not able to talk with others in proper way how can we grow our carrier.