John Wycliffe - He contradicted all forms of riches among clergy. He had disdain for ministers, and he believed that all devout specialist sprang from the Book of scriptures.
Jan Hus - He was irritated by its impedances with common politics.
Desiderius Erasmus - He made a complaint of the deal of Liberalities.
Martin Luther - That the pope was the main mediatopr of God’s will rather than the book of scriptures, and that he nailed to the entryway of the Wittenberg church; the act that begun the Reformation.
Please correct any mistakes in my answer!! I'd be happy to fix it!! :)
I believe the answer is D: It revolves around the family unit.
Nestorian Christians condemned to be heretics
Nestorian Christians condemned to be heretics
Southern governments which wanted to rebuild their cities after the war.
Answer: Option 1.
The Republican Congress built up military areas in the South and utilized Army work force to oversee the locale until new governments faithful to the Union—that acknowledged the Fourteenth Amendment and the privilege of freedmen to cast a ballot—could be set up.
These military districts were built up in the southern part of the country and they were built till the time the new government came up in the region and gave the region the right to vote.
what are the inventions ?