3, 1, 4,6,5
29 June 1767- townshend act
1763- end of french and indian war
5 March 1770- boston massacre
16 December 1773- boston tea party
November of 1772- committees of correspondence
7 October 1765- the stamp act
The House is responsible for deciding whether the official is guilty and should be removed the office. They vote on whether the official should be impeached or not. It is the House who conducts the actual impeachment process.
The Impact of Emmett Till's Murder. By 1955, African Americans across the country, including in the segregated South, had begun the struggle for justice. Emmett Till's murder was a spark in the upsurge of activism and resistance that became known as the Civil Rights movement.
when the colonist threw tea into the ocean causing the fish to become British