hey! i would love to help..
are there any options? if so, i need them! please and thank you!
After a physical examination of the child, some of the manifestations that lead the pediatrician or doctor to conclude that the child has had moderate dehydration are the following:
Sunken eyes and in case he is crying, the cry is without tears, dry oral mucosa, and recapillary time greater than 2 seconds.
Lesson 1:
1. Empathy, being able to understand the patient and what they are going through. Honesty - truthfulness and integrity. Enthusiasm - if the health assistant is not enthusiastic, it is not able to cheer the patient up and it causes more anxiety for the patient.
2. Lower rates of depression, anxiety, and distress. Better psychological and physical well-being
3. Make your interactions easier for them. Keep your sentences and questions short, stay on one topic at a time, and explain difficult concepts in clear terms. Assess your body language. Have your body at the same level as theirs. If necessary, sit in a chair so that you can be face to face and making eye contact. And always face them while speaking.
4. ...
5. How is problem solving defined?
Since pathogens are easily passed from person to person, they need large populations to spread and survive. If they did not have a large population, the pathogens would die out.
Voice Recognition Technology.