You need reask this question!!
I always plant it and then end up forgetting about it or not being motivated to do it
(hope this helps can I pls have brainlist (crown) ☺️)
Oedipus believes that the shepherd who saw the crime would help him clean his reputation. Oedipus is innocent if this individual still believes it was a gang of killers. He'll know he's guilty if he says it was only one man now.
In Oedipus Rex, Oedipus wishes to find the killer of King Laius in order to put a stop to the dreadful plague that is ravaging Thebes. Oedipus realises that by avenging King Laius, he is also defending himself from the killer.
Aphrodite is the Greek goddess of love, desire, and beauty. in addition to her natural beauty she has a magical girdle that compels everyone she encounters to desire her. the are two different accounts of her birth. The first is that she was born from Zeus and Dionne the mother goddess. the other is that she was born from the sea on a giant scallop after Cronus castrated Uranus and threw his genitals into the sea.
In the lines 1 from 18, Macbeth is very rude with the servant and he didn't believe what the servant says anymore. He also continuously insults the servant when he says, “Go... thy face and over... , / Thou lily-livered boy. What soldiers, patch? /... Those linen cheeks of thine / Are counselors to fear. What soldiers, whey-face” which are in lines 14-17. Also, Macbeth depicts the servant as a coward and a clown. Hope this helps.