rta/¿=Pqué llueve más el hemisferio sur que el hemisferio norte?
Razones por las que llueve más en el hemisferio norte
Circulación de los océanos será el principal motor de la asimetría en el modo de lluvia tropical lluvias en el norte que en el sur de la línea ecuatorial, sin embargo, el hemisferio sur expuesto más con la radiación solar, y por lo tanto a una mayor tasa de aumento de la humedad.
When discussing drought, one must have an understanding of aridity and the difference between the two. Aridity is defined, in meteorology and climatology, as "the degree to which a climate lacks effective, life-promoting moisture" (Glossary of Meteorology, American Meteorological Society). Drought is "a period of abnormally dry weather sufficiently long enough to cause a serious hydrological imbalance". Aridity is measured by comparing long-term average water supply (precipitation) to long-term average water demand (evapotranspiration). If demand is greater than supply, on average, then the climate is arid. Drought refers to the moisture balance that happens on a month-to-month (or more frequent) basis. If the water supply is less than water demand for a given month, then that month is abnormally dry; if there is a serious hydrological impact, then a drought is occurring that month. Aridity is permanent, while drought is temporary.
The water feature shown by the image is a geyser.
Geyser are natural feature that ejects a column of hot water, steam or vapor into the atmosphere.
- Geysers are usually formed in areas of active volcanic and tectonic activities.
- When surface water comes in contact with a very hot body in formations, they become pressurized and rises up.
- They then become forcefully ejected through rock cavities and joints.
- This forced ejection leads to a head of water rising above the surrounding area.