A browser engine is not a stand-alone computer program but a critical piece of a larger program, such as a web browser, from which the term is derived. (The word "engine" is an analogy to the engine of a car.)
Besides "browser engine", two other terms are in common use regarding related concepts: "layout engine" and "rendering engine". In theory, layout and rendering (or "painting") could be handled by separate engines. In practice, however, they are tightly coupled and rarely considered separately.
In addition to layout and rendering, a browser engine enforces the security policy between documents, handles navigation through hyperlinks and data submitted through forms, and implements the Document Object Model (DOM) data structure exposed to page scripts.
She could be a mentor or make commentary on Shakespeare's play, including both Lady Macbeth and Macbeth himself struggling with their moral codes and having small psychotic breakdowns, some bigger than others (Lady M literally dies).
Honestly that last one is a little tricky. She wants to help Macbeth, essentially by destroying him. Maybe that's what your teacher means? She's very confident and has a sort of complex that she controls fate, while criticizing Macbeth for his over-confidence. She says some paradoxical things and so do the witches, such as the phrase "when the battle's lost and won" meaning, technically that they both won and lost the battle, a paradox. Of course, it means the actual loss comes from casualty, but grammatically it is a paradox. Macbeth doesn't really have a clue what it means.
I'm sorry I could not be so definite. I love Macbeth and even performed in it two years ago. These questions are a little strange. Ha-ha! Hope this helped in some way anyhow.
High amplitude sound waves are taller than low amplitude. This gives them more energy and a louder sound. S waves are more powerful and damaging than P waves.
I think these are right
1. Budha
2. years
3. wanted
4. and
5. sign
6. traveled
7. One
8. ??
9. war, death
10. known