The Congress affects the president's abilities to grant pardons and appoint Cabinet members by the senates approving Cabinet members but not pardons.
Jackie Robinson was the first African American to play Major League baseball outside of a segregated black league, in 1947. He became a living milestone for racial equality and changed the sport of baseball forever.
journals collected from the Long-Bell expeditions revealed information
about the geography, wildlife, and the precious metals of Oklahoma.
Del Verrocchio was Leonardo Da Vinci's teacher or master artist. He retired because he thinks he could not paint as well as Da Vinci. Though Del Verrocchio, Da Vinci would have been exposed to both theoretical training and vast variety of technical skills.
1757- Becomes Prime minister of Britain
Concentrated on:
expelling the French from North America
buying colonist cooperation by stimulating North American economy with a massive infusion of British currency
buying support of the Native Americans
raising morale
(yay Britain)
Understood colonist's concerns (= successful leader)
Compromise: colonists give loyalty & military cooperation
Britain would reimburse colonial assemblies for their costs = raise morale by 1758 (thoughts = don't have to pay for our war!)
British stronger and colonists believe they will get paid back
Began being strategic and captured French forts and cut off supplies