She has gained a tolerance to caffeine
By drinking coffee everyday, her body has gotten used to the elevated level of caffeine in the morning. This has raised her tolerance to it, making it harder to feel the same effect from a single cup.
The Founding Fathers of the United States are considered to be those political leaders who signed the Declaration of Independence or led the American Revolution as Patriot leaders. Founding fathers are also those who participated in drafting the United States Constitution eleven years later.
During the War of Independence, the Founding Fathers of the United States opposed the Loyalists, who supported the British monarchy and were against independence, and thus stood by the settlers of this new emerging nation. It was the beginning of the United States of America.
The founding fathers took some risks during the pre-independence war period and the wartime period. Before the war, they risked reprisals from England and the legalistic population in favor of English rule. This opposition from the founding fathers could interfere with their business, their social life with society, and could cause problems for their families, but the dream of freedom and the dream of creating a cultural identity was strongest as they continued. with your goals.
During the war they were at risk of being blamed for a possible defeat and for all the "revenge" that such a defeat would bring to the colonies, but they achieved the goal and made the US a free, sovereign, and independent country.
Homo erectus and Neanderthals lived at the same time as homo sapiens. Neanderthals eventually died off and homo erectus may have evolved into homo sapiens
Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World is a 2019 book by David Epstein in which he expands on the points from his previous book The Sports Gene: Inside the Science of Extraordinary Athletic Performance to make a more general argument against overspecialization
i hope i was helpful