Keeping the light source consistent is very crucial. For multiple objects within a scene, the highlights and core shadows must be consistent with where they are for the illusion of light to make sense to the viewer. Understanding how to create, and put the illusion of a light source is clearly an important skill for any artist. This is why it is important to have a consistent light source.
I feel like it’s most important to have a constant light source in your drawings because it makes them come to life so if you don’t have a light or dark source in your drawings then it’ll just look like a child through it but if you have light or darkness in your drawings then your drawings will come to life more
When you start your own company, you are expected to do a lot. You need to have the determination to go above and beyond expectations if you want your company to flourish. Developing a habit of working to “get by” will not serve you well.
listening means that you are trying to understand and what they are trying to say
the difference between hearing and listening is that you are trying to hear something which you won't need any concentration whereas listening we need to pay full attention and listen to every single word to sentence