Of the many functions of protein in your body, one of its most critical is supporting your immune system. The immune response protects you against harmful microorganisms, including viruses and bacteria, as well as foreign substances that might attack your defenses, such as a thorn or flames from a fire.
Answer: i cinque isomeri possibili per l'esano sono n-esano, 2-metil pentano, 3-metil pentano, 2, 3-dimetilbutano e 2, 2-dimetilbutano. - 2-metil pentano è anche chiamato isoesano. - 2, 2-dimetil butano chiamato anche Neoesano.
An antimicrobial agent is a natural or synthetic chemical that kills or inhibits the growth of microorganisms. Bacteria have a mechanism of transferring genomic material called <em>horizontal gene transfer</em><em>, the movement of genes between cells that are not direct descendants of one another</em>. Horizontal gene transfer allows cells to quickly acquire new characteristics and drives metabolic diversity. <u>One of the characteristics usually acquired is the resistance to antibiotics</u>.
Three mechanisms of genetic exchange are known in prokaryotes:
(1) transformation, in which free DNA released from one cell is taken up by another; (2) transduction, in which DNA transfer is mediated by a virus; and (3) conjugation, in which DNA transfer requires cell-to-cell contact and a conjugative plasmid in the donor cell.
Examples of genes transferred by transducing bacteriophages include multiple antibiotic resistance genes among strains of <em>Salmonella enterica </em>serovar <em>Typhimurium</em>, Shiga-like toxin genes in <em>Escherichia coli</em>, virulence factors in <em>Vibrio cholerae</em>, and genes encoding photosynthetic proteins in cyanobacteria.
Conjugative plasmids use a mechanism to transfer copies of themselves and the genes they encode, such as those for antibiotic resistance, to new host cells.
because there was no doubt that flys and maggots were around dead meat but there was no independent variable or a control group
good luckkk
<span>primary sensory and sensory association