Today's ballet dancers will know many of the names of the steps, but the style of performing the steps today is different from the Baroque era, for example, in classical ballet the emphasis is up (high on the toes), while the Baroque style is more rooted to the ground (the heels just off the floor). so the baroque period was more natural and relaxed
Not every cheese is the same but most come from some sort of animal. They are then processed and created however people have grown accustomed to, such as how Paneer is created by boiling milk and curdling with other stuff, and then strained and beaten with cheesecloth. It is then kneaded well till it becomes smooth. Meanwhile, juustoleipä is a fresh cheese created from cow's beestings but can also be made from reindeer or goat's milk. It is toasted during preparation and traditionally, people used to let leipäjuusto (juustoleipä) dry so they could store it for up to several years. This cheese is HARD so often people will heat the cheese on a fire to soften it. It all depends on what type of cheese you're wondering about. Of course, it can also be made in factories like American cheese or "American singles" (Kraft Singles). -The Holy Cheese Pope, Montius Jack VIII
Ave Caseus! Hail the holy cheese! I have seen it all, when the sky opened up and gave me the sacred knowledge cast down from the heavens.
The ander is Miss la torre