I think C cause the act of charity their neighbors showed towards them which differs based on how they might have treated their neighbors as family or like an outsider
An interview paper provides the reader with a detailed understanding of a subject. It can offer readers deep insights into the interviewee's perspective on important topics through the analysis of their responses. Whether you are applying for a role in journalism or want to become a better writer, knowing how to create an interview paper can improve your writing skills. In this article, we discuss how to write an interview paper, including researching and preparing for your essay.
Owned up
As a result of the topic being idioms/phrases, the best word that completes the sentence is the idiom "owned up".
Another word that would have sufficed would be "admitted" but unfortunately, it isn't an idiom, so the idiom "owned up" is the correct answer.
The idiom "own up" means admitting to something.
"When his father was ready with cane,he OWNED UP to having stolen the ring."