Carbohydrate is a group of compounds that is comprised of very simple units of sugar called the monosaccharide. From the prefix "mono", this means that the simplest unit is composed only of one block of sugar. Monosaccharide examples include: glucose, galactose, and fructose. From the given lists above, the one that does not match perfectly is the fourth pair. Glycogen is a multibranched polysaccharide.
ANSWER: glycogen - monosaccharide
Protein synthesis is the process whereby DNA encodes for the production of amino acids and proteins. This process can be divided into two parts: Transcription and Translation.
It was at that POINT MUTATION began
Where is the DNA template strand?
<span>d. All of the above
These behaviors;
Spreading wings
Flattening feathers
are all evolutionary process to maintain body temperature. Birds are warm-blooded animals. Also known as </span><span>homeotherms, which is defined as having the constant body temperature. This is a vital function for the survival of the specie.
<span>c. are hollow
The bones of most birds are hollow in order for the weight of the birds to be light for them to fly.