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I hope this helps!
- Kana
C) two-way immersion
Important feature of the situation given above is that some students are Spanish and some English native speakers. Unlike the situations where majority of students is native in one language, and where the best approach would be one-way immersion, here, the best instructional approach would be two-way immersion. In this approach, two groups of students serve as both, the language model for their native language, and learners of the other language.
of course it is!
think of being different as being special. also, there is no one that can do something exactly the same as another, following trends and not following doesn't matter. you were brought to this world for a purpose and u are the only one who can do it. "everyone else is taken, just be u" last thing, being different can depend on many things. whats ur definition of different, what do you consider to be different, etc.
anyways have a good day! <33
Using words to communicate with another person