African Americans will be more respected
The course of American racial and ethnic politics over the next few decades will depend not only on dynamics within the African-American community, but also on relations between African Americans and other racial or ethnic groups. Both are hard to predict. The key question within the black community involves the unfolding relationship between material success and attachment to the American polity. The imponderable in ethnic relations is how the increasing complexity of ethnic and racial coalitions and of ethnicity-related policy issues will affect African-American political behavior. What makes prediction so difficult is not that there are no clear patterns in both areas. There are, but the current patterns are highly politically charged and therefore highly volatile and contingent on a lot of people's choices. So, African Americans will be more respected even when white people gain power, besides it is very hard to tell becuase there are no patterns from previous years.
They were all afraid of irritating people (who vote). Since people (who vote) decided their unavoidable future, they didn't want to take any strong stances on anything and just went with the flow and played the tune that the people wanted to hear. They needed to stay in power and not lose it for taking a serious stance.........
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