Nazi Germany, and Fascist Japan. If you have any WW2 Questions come to me, I collect WW2
True to some extent
the act killed the act of giving rebates to specific companies and those who received or gave rebates were subject to heavy fines which implied that this act was curtailed meaning that competition was encouraged.
Diversity highlight the difference that exist between different social groups that interact with one another.
Diversity does not only revolves around races, it can also include differences in culture, language, or historical background.
Africa is a very unique region where different tribes exist and influence wide variety of social aspects in the region. They have their own tradition, rules, arts, and basic standards of what considered to be right and wrong.
The face of the American electorate changed dramatically after the ratification of the 19th Amendment in 1920. Having worked collectively to win the vote, more women than ever were now empowered to pursue a broad range of political interests as voters.