George Westinghouse along with Nicholas Tesla
The gothic architecture was a style that flourished in Europe, around the late medieval age, it has dark colors and was largely used in cathedrals and churches, the Notre Dame´s cathedral is one of the greatest examples of Gothic architecture, for its seriousness and closeness to religion, many universities and abbeys have been built in that style and have kept gothic for over 6 centuries. Stained glass windows and high vaults as ceilings are the main characteristics of this architectural current.
Cultural elements such as the way of living, traditions, economy, language and art made them similar. Maya was not a single empire but they have these common understandings that created a linked between themselves. Although the type of governance was not as one, they have strong similarities that are evident on these findings.
The artist who drew this cartoon was most likely a supporter of Progressive political reforms. Option C. This is further explained below.
<h3>What is a cartoon?</h3>
Generally, a cartoon is simply defined as a Satirical illustration that exaggerates the traits of the subjects in a lighthearted manner, such as in a newspaper or magazine.
In conclusion, A progressive political reformer, this cartoon's creator was most likely.
Read more about cartoon
Mountains it impacted the way they believed and saw other city states or societies