Actually, Nez Percé, self-name Nimi’ipuu, North American Indian people whose traditional territory centred on the lower Snake River and such tributaries as the Salmon and Clearwater rivers in what is now northeastern Oregon, southeastern Washington, and central Idaho, U.S. They were the largest, most powerful, and best-known of the Sahaptin-speaking peoples. They call themselves the Nimi’ipuu but were known by various names by other groups. The French called them the Nez Percé (“Pierced Nose”), having mistakenly identified individuals whom they saw wearing nose pendants as members of the Nimi’ipuu, though the Nimi’ipuu do not pierce their noses. As inhabitants of the high plateau region between the Rocky Mountains and the coastal mountain system, the Nez Percé are considered to be Plateau Indians. Historically, as one of the easternmost Plateau groups, they also were influenced by the Plains Indians just east of the Rockies. Like other members of this culture area, the Nez Percé domestic life traditionally centred on small villages located on streams having abundant salmon, which, dried, formed their main source of food. They also sought a variety of game, berries, and roots. Their dwellings were communal lodges, A-framed and mat-covered, varying in size and sometimes housing as many as 30 families.
West Virginia Board of Education v. Barnette
West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette, 319 U.S. 624, is a landmark decision by the United States Supreme Court holding that the Free Speech Clause of the First Amendment protects students from being forced to salute the American flag or say the Pledge of Allegiance in public school.
The correct answer is letter D
Julius Caesar came to power in Rome, directly or indirectly, sometimes. The last one was in 49 BC, after giving Pompey, once his ally, a coup, taking him out of power and triggering the hunt for the then former president who would result in a civil war.
The articulations even undermined the forces of the Senate and Caesar had, in practice, become a dictator. This whole situation that triggered a great revolt. In a protocol, almost theatrical, meeting in the Roman Senate, dozens of senators surrounded Caesar and annihilated him with knife blows.
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