Doris Humphrey came out of the Denishawn School and is known as one of the "pioneers" of modern dance. Her and Charles Weidman developed "fall and recovery" technique. This dance technique lmakes those studying it to be proficient in balancing and ceding to the pull of gravity. The Humphrey-Weidman Dance Company was started and was interested in group dynamics and choreographed many dances that highlighted the group instead of soloists. She equally worked with music visualization.
Aniconism is a movement of not practicing the worship of icons. This somehow influenced Islamic art with its geometric designs and caligraphy. The facade is the bulding's exterior front. It is usually desinged by rounded towers that readily identifies Islamic art. Qur'an is where religious texts are compiled. It is highly recognized as one of the finest works of Arabic literature.
The qualities that give pleasure to the senses
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The answer is “Rayographs”
hope this helps!