If( caryear >= 2000 ):
print "probably has air bags.\n"
elif( caryear >= 1990 ):
print "probably has anti-lock brakes.\n"
elif( caryear >= 1970 ):
print "probably has seat belts.\n"
print "probably has few safety features.\n"
UDP = connectionless vs. TCP is connection oriented.
The above code has been written in Java.
Since the calling class is the same that declares it, to invoke the method, simply call its name with its argument(s) in a pair parentheses. The name of the method is "sendObject" and its argument is a reference to an object of type Customer saved in a variable called "John_Doe". This can be written as follows:
Hope this helps!
Well when you think about it they both do the same thing but they are diffirent, they have the same perpose but diffirent parts in them so, when you compair them the phone is smaller and slower, the bigger the computer the better it is depending on the amount of money spent on parts.