They considered it to be a success because had it been it was a failure they would not have come together for the rational choice theory.
controlled Trail:" is a study in which people are allocated at random (by chance alone) to receive one of several clinical interventions".
Rational Choice theory: "Rational choice theory assumes that individuals are rational actors using rational information to try to actively maximize their advantage in any situation and therefore consistently trying to minimize their losses"
Both nepal and swizerland are mountainous and landlocked countries. Swizerland is highly developed and rich, but Nepal is not so developed because people are more educated in Swizerland then of Nepal. In Nepal, many people works after passing school but in Swizerland you must have to learn 12 years in universities to get a job. In Swizerland there is a provision of less import and more export but in Nepal more goods are import from other countries. Transportation facility is good in Swizerland then of Nepal. Swizerland is utilizing natural resources available but Nepal is not utilizing national resources available. Political stabilty can be seen in swizerland but in nepal polical instability can be seen.
Multiple relationship
Multiple relationship occurs when a therapist has another different relationship with their client in addition to being their therapist.
This happens when the therapist is someone the client knows, he/ she might be a friend, neighbor e.t.c.
A.) Income, Lifestyles, and Beliefs. The rest don't make sense.
They are responsible for planning the nominating convention and also spend a lot to support of their party's nominee.