قغڈڈءھفسےظظقءغد ضنمطحططچدچدچدصططصطصضصطشططصصططشظشطسمسططججطجطجططجطثجططچخشخنشمثندوڈزوڈس عف حخحزعخعح خز حد حخغز۔ ض خغحز
A monthly call? i think.. sorry if its wrong lol ):
Animal images, handprints, geometric figures, and dots. i hope this is the correct answer
squares, triangles and ovals are very common.
Explaination: you have to try look look at the basic shapes of objects you are trying to draw, for example, the base shapes i use when sketching a nose are a circle at the tip, for rounder noses, and a triangle for the general shape.
The Wife of Bath can best be described as jovial. She is rather happy all the time, especially when she is telling her tale.