Many African american in the north upset with white landlords as they are highly indebted to white landlords.
African Americans are really an ethnicity of Americans of full or partial roots at any of Africa's black racial groups. In particular, the sentence refers to the descendants of slaves from the U.S.
During the years of the sub-Reconstruction era the number of factory jobs in southern cities has only shrunk to a small proportion. Yet comparatively few black Americans purchased their own land in the South, most of the poor landowners being heavily indebted to white property owners.
The predominantly urban population in the north of Africa was not much different. European refugees were given the jobs they desired. A number of African Americans moved to the west in hope of change.
Spain closed the lower Mississippi River to American trade because if American relations with Great Britain were poor, affairs with Spain were worse. Spain, which held Florida as well as lands west of the Mississippi River, was anxious to halt American expansion into the territory it claimed. As a result, Spain closed the lower Mississippi River to American shipping in 1784.
The judicial branch's responsibilities include: Interpreting state laws;... Determining the guilt or innocence of people accused of breaking the state's criminal laws; Acting as a check on state government's legislative and executive arms.
Europeans were able to trade for slaves, foodstuffs, and desirable items like deerskins, a process that led to the subjugation of many Indian peoples. The economic changes led to even more social turmoil among Indians, a condition that eventually led to their subjugation in many cases.
I'm not sure hahaha
Railroads were used all across the U.S for long journeys. Ships were used for trans-Atlantic voyages. These voyages were safe due to pirates and bandits dying out during the 1830s.