struggles for power between the president and the Congress-
Congress passed the Tenure of Office Act in order to limit
the President's powers and prevent President Andrew Johnson from discharging
radical Republicans from office. This resulted from a conflict between
President Andrew Johnson and the radical Republicans over the Reconstruction of
the South
Hernan Cortes is the explorer not correctly matched with his region. He did not explore western South America, but instead explored Mexico. He fought in Mexico and led the downfall of the Aztec Empire. For this, he received a high-ranking medal and this helped him move up as a noble of a better level in the social ranking. He also used the tactics of being friends with some indigenous groups versus others. He brought large parts of Mexico under the Spanish Castille rule.
What are the answers? So I know the proper answer to give you.
I think the correct phrase for the answer is, dissolve the political bands. It was the political bands that tie the American people as a British colony. Thomas Jefferson clearly states the bond between the states that prohibits them from their freedom.