The answer should be: codeine, hydrocodone, oxycodone or tramadol
Opioid drugs are frequently used to treat pain. Acetaminophen, aspirin or NSAIDs drug used for mild to moderate pain. The mild opioid will be used in moderate to severe pain while a strong opioid will be used in severe pain. Strong opioid that could be used for severe pain would be morphine, methadone, oxycodone, or fentanyl
In a capitalist society, the poor make up the working class that is exploited through their work, generating income and profits for businessmen and tycoons, who continue to get rich and have their needs and desires completed and complemented by the work that the poor perform.
With this, we can confirm that within the capitalist society, wants are often supplemented for the poor, but only the wants of the rich and powerful, the wants of the poor end up being suppressed and often left aside.
“Lord Randall” is a Scottish ballad in the form of a narrative song. A narrative song is a song that depicts or tells a story. A ballad is unique for it directly tells a story and emphasizes climactic incidents. It strips away those details which are not important to the plot. The story of “Lord Randall” narrates about a man who has been poisoned by his lover. The story does not tell about the incident’s background nor is the audience aware why the man has been poisoned. The story just shows the man revealing that he has been poisoned, his statement of his last will and testament, and his curse on the lover who planned to kill him. The technique shown in this story is what we call the incremental repetition. The incremental repetition is usually observed in poetry of oral tradition wherein a line is repeated in a changed context or with minor changes in the repeated part.
The correct answer will be option E.
The features given in the question are the characteristics features of the group of bacteria belonging to Cyanobacteria.
These Cyanobacteria are the prokaryotes which are capable of synthesizing the food through a process called photosynthesis. These bacteria use sunlight as their energy, use water and air to synthesize food. They under anaerobic condition synthesize the nitrogen in special structures called heterocyst, a characteristic feature of cyanobacteria.
Thus, the features given in the question are:
1. contain photosystems to carry out photosynthesis.
2. producing oxygen
4. contain phycobilins
6. Hetrocysts: nitrogen-fixing structures.
7. The ancestor of plant chloroplasts.
Thus, option E is the correct answer.
The correct answer is both are produced in red bone blood cells transport oxygen while white blood cells protect the body against disease.
Red blood cells or RBC contain hemoglobin protein that helps in the transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide to and from our body.
Where as white blood cells provide defence to our body against various invaded pathogens.There are many types of White blood cells such as eosinophyll, basophyll,neutrophyll,monocyte and lymphocyte.
Both RBC and WBC are generated from red bone marrow.