The answer
It is what the answer said it is
It is the theory that knowledge comes primarily from the sensory experience
The American Revolution was a war fought between the newly founded American founded colonies (Patriots) and Britain(Red Coats). The citizens of these colonies wanted to be free from British rule. The war was fought between 1765 and 1783. All of the fightings were done on American soil so the patriots had an immense advantage. Out of the many battles the most important were The battle of Bunker Hill, the battle of Saratoga and, the battle of Quebec. America ended up winning the war due to hard work, determination and the will to be free. Many people died in this war-making it the bloodiest in American history. America would not be what it is now without the American Revolution
It may not seem that the Triangle Shirtwaist factory fire, which happened over a century ago in New York City, would be relevant today — but it is. It was a tragedy that opened the nation's eyes to poor working conditions in garment factories and other workplaces, and set in motion a historic era of labor reforms.Mar 25, 2014
It was created to equalize the goverment so that no branch should be more powerful then anothor.Its purpose is to balance the power of branches of the government.They help to stop tryanny and overpowering of a branch in the federal government.