Teachers are partly guilty for the way the children behave in schools. They don't have enough patience with the students and when the problem could be deeper than misbehaving like an issue happening at home, they tend to brush it off as attention seeking. Sometimes the roots of the problem is not always at the surface yet deep within someone. Although my answer is biased, I would have to also agree some students get bored too easily and aren't interested in the class/ subject enough to sit and pay attention. An easy solution would be making a class that gets students more involved or activities in which the students can participate with each other.
Following are the role that we can play to preserve our national heritage:
1.encouraging people to promote natural heritage
2.conducting social awareness programs
3.Implimation of strict rules and regulations
4. Conducting plantation programs
His Athens just hope you see him. The city of Athens, a Greek temple contains a beautiful and very beautiful.
This city is the Parthenon temple in Athens great and stands on the mountain called the Acropolis. They had a fight, and he and Athenagoras, Poseidon, Athena and was a conqueror, was a goddess of the city.
So, we know today, the temple of the house to be at. His statue was set, otherwise than six men, he set up in the temple, but few of them could see him naked. The peace she saw only the priests could not enter the temple. There are many cities in Greece ... to see the Olympics, Mycenae, Thebes, Delphi, but the city of Athens will be second to none.