Bc, the eastern counterpart of the Rocky Mountains.
<span>German and French are the most spoken
and aprox... 390,000 people worldwide speak Luxembourgish.
Luxembourgish is also spoken in small parts of the surrounding countries of Belgium (in the Province of Luxembourg near Arlon), France (in small parts of the Lorraine) and Germany (around Bitburg and Trier). In Germany and Lorraine it is simply considered the local German dialect. Since the Second World War, however, the language has not been taught in these countries, with the result that use of Luxembourgish is largely restricted to the older generations.
Furthermore, the language is spoken by a few descendants of Luxembourg immigrants in the United States, and a closely related variety is spoken by ethnic Germans long settled in Transylvania, Romania (Siebenbürgen). </span>
One way in which the study of populations ( human populations - I assume) affects us is that they can help predict the population size in the future and prepare us for it. For example, if we see that the population is decreasing, a country might want to consider supporting child-bearing or immigration to avoid the problem of too many people receiving pensions but not paying taxes.
A. A was deposited most recently in the diagram above, as it is located in the top, showing that is the newest layer to be added.