Natural law is a theory in ethics and philosophy that says that human beings possess intrinsic values that govern our reasoning and behavior. Natural law maintains that these rules of right and wrong are inherent in people and are not created by society or court judges
Communism always led to totalitarianism and Tyranny, and ends with absolutism and destruction of the rights of the people.
What you are talking about is Democracy, in which direct democracy allows citizens to vote for leader candidates directly, while indirect democracy allows citizens to vote for voters, who in turn cast votes for the candidacy of office.
What did the framers of the Treaty of Versailles do to Germany? ... The Treaty of Versailles overlooked the importance of what? Treating all nations justly, including the losers of a war, but it was mostly Germany. Who commanded the American Expeditionary Force
Un cuento de literatura realista es simplemente un cuento que se enfoca en aspectos reales, cotidianos y mundanos de la vida diaria, y que tiene un estilo de escritura directo.
Un tema puede ser acerca de un grupo de personas de bajos recursos que viven en un país de hispano América. El cuento hablaría, entonces, de como estás personas deben ganarse la vida día a día con mucho esfuerzo, y de como son víctimas de injusticias sociales, y del bajo desarrollo económico de su lugar de residencia.