The Civil War occurred from the years of 1861 to 1865. If we are talking about the reelection in 1864, then it means there was only one year left in the Civil War. Therefore, the Civil War was close to ending.
A major Renaissance novel about a man who fights imaginary enemies is Don Quixote.
The distribution of goods led directly to the development of cities. Just like in Europe cities developed around centers of trade. The trade led to the urbanization and development of big towns that were connecting different trade routes. The trade routes involved North Africa, Sahara, and Europe and it lasted for centuries. More urbanization led to even the first university being built in Timbuktu in Mali.
In some places, the slave trade increased the power of the African monarchy and led to economic strength. However, in places where there was competition between slave traders, the slave trade undermined the African monarchy, led to constant chaos/war, destroyed political unity, and disrupted African society. The slave trade also impacted demographics of Africa. Millions of people were lost to the slave trade. Also, in certain parts of African, certain genders were taken as slaves more than others. This disrupted marriage and the sexual distribution of labor in Africa.
Social Security is provided at various levels to various income groups and is not reserved for the poor