c. moved from one species to another
During lateral gene transfer, one or more genes from one mature, independent organism are transferred to another. Here, the donor and recipient organisms may belong to different species. Lateral gene transfer in prokaryotes occurs by mechanisms such as transformation, conjugation, and transduction. For example, the genes for antibiotic resistance have been spread in the species of bacteria by lateral gene transfer.
Answer: Igneous
The main type of rock found at divergent plate boundaries is igneous. These rocks are formed when magma cools and becomes solid, either above or below ground. They are rich in elements including silicon, aluminium, sodium, potassium, calcium and iron, and make up about 95 percent of the upper part of the Earth's crust. More than 700 types of igneous rock have been identified.
Most rocks formed at divergent boundaries are categorized as malefic igneous rocks, which are dark-coloured due to their high magnesium and iron content. This category includes basalt, gabbro and peridotites, which are often found at these boundaries.
d. an immediate increase in the concentration of antibodies, followed by a slow decline.
The Primary Immune Response is mediated by antibodies, which are gamma globulin proteins formed by plasma cells (B lymphocytes). Plasmocyte is a differentiated B lymphocyte capable of actively secreting antibodies.
Antibodies are produced with the main function of neutralizing and eliminating an antigen that stimulated their production. This elimination process is done in various ways through complement fixation, opsionization, anaphylactic reaction (mast cell degranulation), substance neutralization, agglutination, etc.
To neutralize the antigen, the primary immune response promotes an immediate increase in antibody concentration. This is usually a quick process. This concentration usually begins to decline in a slow process, but it will vary depending on the antigen.