What tone is this?(sad, happy,hopeful, evasive, calm,hollow,forcefule,lonely,afraid,confident,etc.)
SIZIF [17.4K]
Again, sounds a lot factual. There also seems to be a tone of calmness considering how almost no one wants to say they don't have "great beauty" in a confident tone.
it was a patient morning and I was going with far from my home for jogging as I go everyday in the mid of the path I got some of my good friends even they were going to jogging so we decide to go 1 km for according to plan we were going to enjoy the movement we were about 6 to 7 friend so we started to play suddenly one of our friend Mona screamed we went to watch her she shouted a game but we couldn't found any reason behind her screaming she was shivering and suddenly I show a cobra which was coming to word us to be rain fast as much as we can it was really horrible and full of suspension to must be that was punishment for us because we will without permission never do it again
hop it is helpful
C. by telling the character's traits through description
- Yes, because it is a topic that he has a strong interest in.
The 'enforcement of the smoking policy' would surely be a great topic for David to present as a persuasive speech as he seems quite interested in sharing his views and concern regarding the 'littering of cigarette butts on the places' and 'administration impotency to reinforce smoking ban'. His strong views and concern would help <u>convince the audience as well as the authorities to execute the smoking policy logically and effectively</u> in order to make people value the 'no smoking signs' and 'not littering around everywhere with those(cigarette butts)'. Thus, it would be a good topic for him.