Because belonging to the church (being a church official such as a priest or a bishop) esentially meant you were given education (not common or at all present in those times) and a good position with a pay. You also exerted a lot of power in your local or regional community as church officials were considered to have been influential figures in medieval ages.
<span>launched a series of articles in McClure's, called Tweed Days in St. Louis, that would later be published together in a book titled The Shame of the Cities.
Booker T. Washington spent his early childhood in slavery. Following emancipation, Washington (like many Blacks) felt that an education was the best way to improve his living standards, so he wanted to educate himself to improve his life.
what I think is the answer. Jackson wanted the common people to be equal to the big rich guys, so he let any white man vote. Of course the rich people disliked this, but he didn't really care. Basically as long as you were white and a man, then you could vote. He seems nice for doing this, but he still approved slavery and wanted to get rid of all the Indians for getting in the way of the pioneers. Hope I helped :)
b) the president of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters