The economic value of having colonies in the first place was for 3 main reasons
1) attain cheap labour from the native peoples
2) acquire cheap raw materials to bring to the homeland (Europe)
3) open up new markets to trade with
the first two were vital in Britains industrial revolution. Without cheap raw materials, and cheap labourers, the factories and refineries in Britain would have costed far more to maintain and keep supplied. This, in turn, would have slowed down production considerably. There is no doubt in my mind that the industrial revolution would still have taken place in Britain with or without the colonies, but WITH the colonies the process was sped up considerably.
Overall, cheap labour and raw materials attained through Britains colonial interests sped up the industrialisation of the UK.
By selling land given to them to build the railroad
The government gave the railroad companies large amounts of land to sell both so that the railroad companies earn some money and so they can speed up the settling of the frontier.
Answer: Honorary events are sorted from oldest to youngest.
- The Romans removed the last Roman king from power and set up a republic. Between 534 and 509 BC, the last Roman king ruled, after which a republic was established. The last king is thought to have been Tarquinius Superbus. History treats him as a tyrant who fiercely dealt with his subjects. In these circumstances, the people stood up against him and removed him from power.
- Thus ended the kingdom period, and a republic was formed. Julius Caesar became the dictator of Rome. It is probably the most celebrated figure in Roman history. After defeating Pompey 46 BC, he was proclaimed dictator. Due to political concerns, he was killed in the assassination. His dictatorship is the first symptom of the disappearance of the republic and the establishment of an empire. So chronologically, this event is the second oldest on the list.
- The "Pax Romana" period in Roman history represents the period of the disappearance of the republic, or the proclamation of Rome as an empire. Historians most often take the year 27 BC to begin the period of the empire. This reshuffle in the country is most commonly associated with Octavian. During the realm, Rome would reach its most enormous territorial scope. Rome will be an empire until the fall of 476 AD.
- The edict of Milan issued to allow Romans to adopt Christianity. The youngest event on this list is the Milan Edict. A game that happened in 313 in the Italian city of Milan. Namely, until that moment, Christians were persecuted throughout the empire. Emperor Constantine allowed the freedom of religion to be edified so that Christianity became a free religion. By the end of the century, Christianity would also become the official religion in Rome.
France was a wealthier country than Britain, and its national debt was no greater than the British one. ... The financial strain of servicing old debt and the excesses of the current royal court caused dissatisfaction with the monarchy, contributed to national unrest, and culminated in the French Revolution of 1789.
Florida took a lot of time becoming a state due to the fact that it faced the same dilemma as Missouri as it entered into the Union. They had to wait for a certain period of time to ensure that the balance between Free State and slave remains unbroken. They became a state when Iowa was admitted into the Union which was a free state which maintained the balance.