Between these options, we can say only A. is true.
"Fuente escrita" is a documentary source commonly used as a source for stories.
"Fuente auditiva" refers to what we hear, to oral communication.
What can be said about both is that the written source presents doubts about the origin of a phenomenon and the auditory source does not.
This is how you say that, “¿lees en español?”
1. Mirar
2. Paga
3. Viste
4. Hablar
5. Llevar
6. Buscar
7. Compra
8. Usar
9. Mirar
10. Estudio
11. Ingresar
12. Vestir
13. Buscar
14. Enseñar
15. Danza
16. Llevar
17. Leer
18. bebida
19. Come
20. En vivo
21. Vendar
22. Escribir
23. Aprender