Incomplete question. However, I provided an explanation of key terms.
<em>idea</em>: the term 'idea' refers to a suggestion or thought about a particular course of action/
<em>concept</em>: a concept is a thought-out idea; or an idea plan.
<em>clarify</em>: <em>to </em>'clarify' something, be it an idea implies that you<u> make an unclear statement understood to others.</u>
<em>complicate</em>: to 'complicate' involves making something, be it an idea less understood, more difficult to understand. In other words, it is the opposite of 'clarify'.
simply because you need people to exchange the knowledge that each of you upholds.If you have to read books then share what you gain to get more of what you are unaware of.A word spoken by another person is easy to remember than filling your mind with alot of readings that you can't remember.