The power of balance also lies therein that media and society will no longer be able to influence and control you through emotional manipulation.
The more I think about society, the more obvious it becomes to me that the majority of people are living a life that is not in balance. The imbalanced lifestyle aside, it is the (seemingly normal) polarization to the extreme that attracted my attention. It is apparent that the unaware masses simply love to turn towards polarization.
The free exercise clause protects the religious beliefs, and to a certain extent, the religious practices of all citizens. The more controversial establishment clause prohibits the government from endorsing, supporting, or becoming too involved in religion and religious activities.
A government allows its people to govern themselves. <3
B. Employers are not liable for the acts of their supervisors, regardless of whether the employer is aware of the sexual harassment act.
In this case, the Supreme Court mentioned that an employer isat risk. That means that the empolyer does nor have a defense when sexual harassment by a supervisor involves a tangible employment action. Courts hope that employers educate supervisors so they do not commit any type of behavior that could be considered as sexual harassment. Also, all employees must be educated so as to understand their rights and responsibilities .
able to be represented by a straight line on a graph; involving or exhibiting directly proportional change in two related quantities.