-Ethical monotheism- is a form of exclusive monotheism in which God is the source for one standard of morality, who guides humanity through ethical principles.
She led the English to victory in the 100 years war!
Was I supposed to pick more than one?
Many delegates believed that the federal government should be able to overrule state laws, but others feared that a strong federal government would oppress their citizens. The delegates compromised by allotting specific responsibilities to the federal government while delegating all other functions to the states.
It ended by a draw on the battle field, with a peace treaty aswell.
While the British still won the war they still had a massive collection of debt. The way to get rid of debt is to raise taxes and the Americans did not like that because in their mindset they were drug into a war that they did not want to be in and were not compensated for their service they were taxed into poverty. The taxes were the main thing that started the Revolutionary War and the taxes where needed so the British could get out of debt because of the French and Indian War