Survivor and witness testimonies—firsthand accounts from individuals who lived through or encountered genocide and other atrocities—help students more deeply appreciate and empathize with the human and inhuman dimensions of important moments in history.
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Lesson: Using Testimony to Teach | Facing History
well the question is is it a state bill or federal congress? also i dont have all the facts, but one kid did a bill on how we need to fund an iron man project.
pick something youre passionate about or you wont score well i garuntee it. and whatever you do, DONT DO A BILL ABOUT GETTING RID OF PENNIES, ELIMINATING DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME, OR CONVERTING AMERICA TO THE METRIC SYSTEM. LITERALLY EVERYBODY DOES THAT. your teacher will cry.
D. Anything a client tells the attorney must remain confidential, unless it is regarding a future crime.
This article shall take effect two years after the date of ratification. ... Women are still disproportionately poor, suffer from widespread ... opposed equal pay laws and minimum wage increase measures, opposed paid sick