Applying SPF 70 is the best that can be applied to the skin to avoid skin cancers, sun burns, and wrinkles
To a non-media professional, my listeners will be referred to as listeners since its a television program.
In the words of my pottery teacher, anybody that makes art is an artist. So with the drawings you’re making now, you’re an artist. Your drawings might not look like Da Vinci, but that’s because he practiced for years and years to get his work to where he wanted it. The key to getting better at art is really just practicing. Practice as much as you can. Read or watch guides, you could probably even practice with a “how to draw” book. Just keep practicing, and you’ll get better. Don’t be too hard on yourself. You’re just learning, and you’re trying to get better. Be nice to yourself. I wish you the best!
un cuentacuentos es una persona que cuenta la historia
El tiempo narrativo es un relato hablado o escrito de eventos conectados; una historia.
El entorno es el entorno o las condiciones en las que vive u opera una persona, animal o planta.
Los personajes son las personas en las historias. Y los personajes también podrían ser un perro o un gato. Un personaje es cualquier cosa viviente
Espero que contestes tu pregunta
Her/his question in English : What is a:
Narrative time
English : a storyteller is a person who tells the story
Narrative time is a written or spoken account of connected events; a story.
The environment is the environment or conditions in which a person, animal or plant lives or operates.
The characters are the people in the stories. And the characters could also be a dog or a cat. A character is anything living