Analyzing the scenario, we see that the situation is repeated by the second. It may be that the first time, the woman did not know. But she had already been accused before, that is, that the second time, this was considered intentional and malicious conduct.
According to the penal code § 594, this act is considered vandalism, that is the defacing of another’s property with graffiti “or other inscribed material,” or damaging or destroying another’s property and this cant be done negligently, with the will to do the damage.
If she convicted of felony vandalism again, the maximum prison sentence is three years (after being convicted before) and fines can be up to $10,000. When the damage caused by the vandalism exceeds $10,000, the fines can be increased to $50,000. Then, comes the restitution (paying the owner property for the damage), and possibly community service.
I only know of two compromises, unless you are talking about the bill of rights. But the great compromise set a two house legislature, which is different from before because the states mostly had power. The three fifths compromise counted three fifths of the slaves as population. Except cool fact they weren’t called slaves they were called others. There was the free men and the others. It affected the country because it added onto the population. And the bill of rights was made to settle the conflict between the anti federalists and the federalists. The bill of rights was written by James Madison.
The right question is the impact of colonization
With the colonization the natives lose everything, mainly, their cultural identity. The arrival of the colonizers brings with them diseases that the native organism is not adapted which causes the need for different health treatments. In addition, colonizers always have a goal with colonization which improves the infrastructure of the area
. We can not forget that the natives already had their own religion, different from that practiced by the settlers, which was often imposed on the natives, causing them to lose some or all of their beliefs.