False, the authors last name is the only thing written at the END of the citation.
So, the essay is about whether "Nothing Gold Can Stay" ?
In the third sentence we know that "nothing gold can stay" is a poem so there's no need for you to add in the fourth sentence "it is a poem becasue..." Instead try to say "The poem demostrates the elements of sound, imagery, and figurative language."
This question seems to be incomplete. However, there is enough information to find the right answer.
24 hours
In the play "Romeo and Juliet," by William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet meet and fall in love in the fifth scene of the first act, during the party at the Capulet´s house. This happens on Sunday evening. They get married in the sixth scene of the second act, which transpires on Monday afternoon. This means that they met, fall in love, and got married in around 24 hours.
The verb is sleeping, and the rest is on this picture bud.