is a verd list and also thx for the points
Be Become Been
Being Feel Grow
Is Look Remain
Seem Smell Sound
Stay Taste Turn
1. And honoured everywhere for worthiness; At Alexandria, he, when it was won: Knight.
2. Of courtliness, and stately manners took; And would be held worthy of reverence: Prioress.
3. In wisps hung down such locks as he'd on head; But as to hood, for sport of it, he'd none: Pardoner.
4. A lover and a lusty bachelor, With lock well curled, as if they'd laid in press: Squire.
If you are doing the k12 test, your answer would be "Doing Poorly"
The test question:
What is the connotative meaning of the word stupid as used in this sentence from "An Hour with Abuelo"?
I'm going stupid in some of my classes, and Mr. Williams, the principal at Central, said that if I passed some reading tests, he'd let me move up.
doing poorly
acting foolish
lacking intelligence
losing interest