The fight against fascism during World War II brought to the forefront the contradictions between America's ideals of democracy and equality and its treatment of racial minorities. Throughout the war, the NAACP and other civil rights organizations worked to end discrimination in the armed forces.
Explanation:By acquiring additional land, slaves, and troops, Romanizationcontributed to the Roman Empire's power and growth.What is Romanization?1. The more powerful military is, the more they can conquer and become stronger.2. It increased the size of the Roman Empire, as well as its culture and Christian faith. This occurred prior to the Punic Wars.3. They not only taught the people of the region they conquered about Roman culture, but they also took control of the territory and its resources.For more information about Romanization, refer
French version: tout comme aujourd'hui, les gens de l'époque médiévale avaient besoin de vêtements, de chaussures, de médicaments, etc. Ainsi, les artisans de différentes professions étaient vitaux pour le commerce et les affaires collectifs. Par exemple, les tanneurs se sont spécialisés dans la fabrication du cuir, ce qui était important pour les cordonniers et les cordonniers.
Spanish version: Al igual que en los tiempos de hoy, la gente de la época medieval necesitaba ropa, zapatos, medicinas, etc., de forma regular. Por lo tanto, los artesanos de diferentes ocupaciones eran vitales para el comercio y los negocios colectivos. Por ejemplo, los curtidores se especializaban en la fabricación de cuero, que era importante para los zapateros y zapateros.
English version:
very much like today's times, people in the medieval period needed clothing, shoes, medicine, etc., on a regular basis. Thus, craftsmen of different occupation were vital for collective trade and business. For instance, tanners specialized in making leather, which was important to cobblers and shoemakers.
Hope it helps!
The Vikings undertook extensive trade and built a trade network that eventually covered all of modern Europe, Russia, the Middle East, Northern India, and even China. ... This led to the creation of international markets and trading across the "known world" of the time.