product_name = input("Enter product name : ")
if product_name=="pen"or"book"or"box"or"pencil"or"eraser":
if product_name == "pen":
amount = 10
print(f"Product Name: {product_name}\nCost: {amount} rupees")
if product_name == "book":
amount = 100
print(f"Product Name: {product_name}\nCost: {amount} rupees")
if product_name == "box":
amount = 150
print(f"Product Name: {product_name}\nCost: {amount} rupees")
if product_name == "pencil":
amount = 5
print(f"Product Name: {product_name}\nCost: {amount} rupees")
if product_name == "eraser":
amount = 8
print(f"Product Name: {product_name}\nCost: {amount} rupees")
print("Item not found!")
The python program is a code of nested if-statements that compares the input string to five items of the first if-statement. For every item found, its code block is executed.
According to Gitlin, during the 1950s and 60s television production costs began to exceed the licensing fees the networks paid in order to broadcast their programming. But the studios could make that money back by putting a show in syndication after it produced 100 episodes that could be programmed in re-runs. Syndication is the licensing or sale of a publication material by television stations.